The printed version of the PARI Journal is available at no charge to qualifying libraries. (inquiries)

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The PARI Journal Vol. IV, No. 1
Summer 2003
Longer Live the King:
The Questionable Demise of K'inich K'an Joy Chitam of Palenque
By David Stuart
The Environment of Pakal's Tomb
By Leon Langan
Urbanism at Palenque
By Edwin L. Barnhart

The PARI Journal Vol. IV, No. 2
Fall 2003
Photographing the Cacaxtla Murals
By Merle Greene Robertson
Frans Blom and the Decipherment of Maya Writing
By Jesper Nielsen
Morley's Diary: April 10-14, 1932
By Sylvanus G. Morley

The PARI Journal Vol. IV, No. 3
Winter 2004
The Paw Stone: The Place Name of Piedras Negras, Guatemala
By David Stuart
Return to the Great Forests: Frans Blom's Letters from Palenque (Part 1)
Translated and With an Introduction by Jesper Nielsen & Tore Leifer
Morley's Diary: April 15-17, 1932
By Sylvanus G. Morley

The PARI Journal Vol. IV, No. 4
Spring 2004
Glyphs for "Handspan" and "Strike" in Classic Maya Ballgame Texts
By Marc Zender
Sport, Spectacle and Political Theater: New Views of the Classic Maya Ballgame
By Marc Zender
Return to the Great Forests: Frans Blom's Letters from Palenque (Part 2)
Translated and With an Introduction by Jesper Nielsen & Tore Leifer

The PARI Journal Vol. V, No. 1
Summer 2004
A Broken Sky: The Ancient Name of Yaxchilan as Pa' Chan
By Simon Martin
Return to the Great Forests: Frans Blom's Letters from Palenque (Part 3)
Translated and With an Introduction by Jesper Nielsen & Tore Leifer
Morley's Diary: April 18-20, 1932
By Sylvanus G. Morley

The PARI Journal Vol. V, No. 2
Fall 2004
New Year Records in Classic Maya Inscriptions
By David Stuart
Signs and Symbols of the Maya
By Brian Hayden
Return to the Great Forests: Frans Blom's Letters from Palenque (Part 4)
Translated and With an Introduction by Jesper Nielsen & Tore Leifer

The PARI Journal Vol. V, No. 3
Winter 2005
Rock Paintings and Lacandon Maya Sacred Landscapes
By Joel Palka
'Flaming Akbal' and the Glyphic Representation of the aj- Agentive Prefix
By Marc Zender
Morley's Diary: April 21, 1932
By Sylvanus G. Morley

The PARI Journal Vol. V, No. 4
Spring 2005
A Glimpse Into the Watery Underworld
By Jorge Pérez de Lara
The Raccoon Glyph In Classic Maya Writing
By Marc Zender

The PARI Journal Vol. VI, No. 1
Summer 2005
Caracol Altar 21 Revisited: More Data on Double Bird and Tikal's Wars of the Mid-Sixth Century
By Simon Martin
A Selection of Rubbings, Part One
By Merle Greene Robertson
Morley's Diary: April 22, 1932
By Sylvanus G. Morley

The PARI Journal Vol. VI, No. 2
Fall 2005
The Captives of Dzibanche
By Erik Velásquez García
Of Snakes and Bats: Shifting Identities at Calakmul
By Simon Martin
La Corona Find Sheds Light on Site Q Mystery
By Stanley Guenter

The PARI Journal Vol. VI, No. 3
Winter 2006
Teasing the Turtle From its Shell: AHK and MAHK in Maya Writing
By Marc Zender
Morley's Diary: April 23, 1932
By Sylvanus G. Morley

The PARI Journal Vol. VI, No. 4
Spring 2006
The Queen's Mirrors: Interpreting the Iconography of Two Teotihuacan Style
Mirrors from the Early Classic Margarita Tomb at Copan
By Jesper Nielsen
A Selection of Rubbings, Part Two
By Merle Greene Robertson

The PARI Journal Vol. VII, No. 1
Summer 2006
The Maya Flood Myth and the Decapitation of the Cosmic Caiman
By Erik Velásquez García
A Selection of Rubbings, Part Three
By Merle Greene Robertson
Morley's Diary: April 24, 1932
By Sylvanus G. Morley

The PARI Journal Vol. VII, No. 2
Fall 2006
Border Problems: Recent Archaeological Research along the Usumacinta River
By Charles Golden and Andrew Scherer

The PARI Journal Vol. VII, No. 3
Winter 2007
Rivers Among the Ruins: The Usumacinta
By Ronald L. Canter
Special supplement:
Río Usumacinta Navigation Survey

The PARI Journal Vol. VII, No. 4
Spring 2007
Stela 45 of Naranjo and the Early Classic Lords of Sa'aal
By Alexandre Tokovinine
Of Snake Kings and Cannibals: A Fresh Look at the Naranjo Hieroglyphic Stairway
By Alexandre Tokovinine
An Updated Listing of Early Naranjo Rulers
By Joel Skidmore

The PARI Journal Vol. VIII, No. 1
Summer 2007
Death and Veneration at El Perú-Waka': Structure M14-15 as Ancestor Shrine
By Keith Eppich

The PARI Journal Vol. VIII, No. 2
Fall 2007
The Lost Field Notebook Restored
By Merle Greene Robertson
A New Monument Mentioning Wamaaw K'awiil of Naranjo
By Raphael Tunesi
On the Emblem Glyph of El Peru
By Stanley Paul Guenter
Morley's Diary: April 25, 1932
By Sylvanus G. Morley

The PARI Journal Vol. VIII, No. 3
Winter 2008
The Palenque Sarcophagus Story
By Merle Greene Robertson
Rocks, Ropes, and Maya Boats; Stone Bollards at Ancient Waterfronts
Along the Usumacinta: Yaxchilan, Mexico to El Porvenir, Guatemala
By Ronald L. Canter and Dave Pentecost
Morley's Diary: April 25, 1932
By Sylvanus G. Morley

The PARI Journal Vol. VIII, No. 4
Spring 2008
Special Nahuatl Writing Issue
Regional Scribal Traditions: Methodological Implications for the Decipherment of Nahuatl Writing
By Alfonso Lacadena
A Nahuatl Syllabary
By Alfonso Lacadena
One Hundred and Fifty Years of Nahuatl Decipherment
By Marc Zender
The wa1 and wa2 Phonetic Signs and the Logogram for WA in Nahuatl Writing
By Alfonso Lacadena
On the Complementary Signs of the Mexican Graphic System
By Zelia Nuttall

The PARI Journal Vol. IX, No. 1
Summer 2008
Special Chalcatzingo Issue
Chalcatzingo: A Brief Introduction
By David C. Grove
Chalcatzingo Monument 34: A Formative Period "Southern Style" Stela in the Central Mexican Highlands
By Susan D. Gillespie

The PARI Journal Vol. IX, No. 2
Fall 2008
Incriptions and Iconography of Castillo Viejo, Chichen Itza
By Peter Schmidt, David Stuart, and Bruce Love
Some Thoughts About a New Vase and an Old God
By Raphael Tunesi
A Future Cache in Guatemala
By Elayne Marquis

The PARI Journal Vol. IX, No. 3
Winter 2009
Archaeological and Epigraphic Studies in Pol Box, Quintana Roo
By Octavio Q. Esparza Olguín and Vania E. Pérez Gutiérrez

The PARI Journal Vol. IX, No. 4
Spring 2009
Composite Mirrors of the Ancient Maya: Ostentatious Production and Precolumbian Fraud
By Zachary Nelson, Barry Scheetz, Guillermo Mata Amado, and Antonio Prado
Lord Kingsborough and his Contribution to Ancient Mesoamerican Scholarship: The Antiquities of Mexico
By Sylvia D. Whitmore

The PARI Journal Vol. X, No. 1
Summer 2009
Reflections on the Codex Style and the Princeton Vessel
By Erik Velásquez García

The PARI Journal Vol. X, No. 2
Fall 2009
Feast and Sacrifice at El Perú-Waka': The N14-2 Deposit as Dedication
By Keith Eppich
Morley's Diary: April 26, 1932

The PARI Journal Vol. X, No. 3
Winter 2010
Religious Imagery in Mayapan's Murals
By Susan Milbrath, Carlos Peraza Lope, and Miguel Delgado Kú
Glyph F of the Supplementary Series: Ti' Hu'n, Mouth of the Book
By Scott A. J. Johnson
Morley's Diary: April 26-27, 1932

The PARI Journal Vol. X, No. 4
Spring 2010
The Classic Court of Itzam K'an Ahk of Piedras Negras:
New Information on a Vessel from the Yaxche Phase with Hieroglyphic Dedicatory Formula
By Carlos Pállan Gayol
Palenque in 1979: Photos by Dale Hinkley (Part One)

The PARI Journal Vol. XI, No. 1
Summer 2010
A Hieroglyphic Block from the Region of Hiix Witz, Guatemala
By Simon Martin and Dorie Reents-Budet
Palenque from 1560 to 2010
By Merle Greene Robertson

The PARI Journal Vol. XI, No. 2
Fall 2010
Baj "Hammer" and Related Affective Verbs in Classic Mayan
By Marc Zender
The Western Sun: An Unusual Tzolk'in-Haab Correlation in Classic Maya Inscriptions
By Alexandre Tokovinine
A New Look at the Inscription of Copan Altar K
By Péter Bíró

The PARI Journal Vol. XI, No. 3
Winter 2011
The Stelae of Chichen Itza
By Bruce Love
Palenque in 1979: Photos by Dale Hinkley (Part Two)
Morley's Diary: April 27, 1932

The PARI Journal Vol. XI, No. 4
Spring 2011
In Memoriam: Merle Greene Robertson
By Marc Zender and Joel Skidmore
Recent Investigations in the Salto de Agua Region: Sites, Territories, and Frontiers to the West of Palenque
By Joshua A. Balcells González, Jorge E. Gama Castro, and Esteban Mirón Marván
The San Bartolo Regional Archaeological Project: Results of the First Field Season 2002
By William A. Saturno
Morley's Diary: April 27, 1932

The PARI Journal Vol. XII, No. 1
Summer 2011
The Celestial God of Number 13
By Merle Greene Robertson
A Celebration of Merle Greene Robertson
By E. Wyllys Andrews
A Notational Explanation for Maya Calendar Round Dates Such as 11 Eb 16 Mac
By Victoria R. Bricker
Morley's Diary: April 28, 1932

The PARI Journal Vol. XII, No. 2
Fall 2011
A New La Corona Panel
By Erik Boot
The Murals of San Bartolo:
A Window into the Art and Cosmovision of Precolumbian Man
By Mónica Urquizú and Heather Hurst
Morley's Diary: April 28 - April 30, 1932

The PARI Journal Vol. XII, No. 3
Winter 2012
Excavations of Nakum Structure 15: Discovery of Royal Burials and Accompanying Offerings
By Jarosław Źrałka, Wiesław Koszkul, Bernard Hermes, and Simon Martin

The PARI Journal Vol. XII, No. 4
Spring 2012
Allspice as Template for the Classic Maya K'an Sign
By Estella Weiss-Krejci
The San Bartolo Regional Archaeological Project: Results of the Second Field Season 2003
By Mónica Urquizú and William A. Saturno

The PARI Journal Vol. XIII, No. 1
Summer 2012
The Great Ladder of Ocosingo: A Twentieth-Century Example of Maya Building Techniques
By Jesper Nielsen
Toward the Making of a New Map of the Ixcanrio Basin
By Thomas G. Garrison, William A. Saturno, Thomas L. Sever, and Daniel E. Irwin
Morley's Diary: April 30 - May 1, 1932

The PARI Journal Vol. XIII, No. 2
Fall 2012
A Possible Spelling of the "Birth Glyph"
By Yuriy Polyukhovych
Exploring the 584286 Correlation between the Maya and European Calendars
By Simon Martin and Joel Skidmore

The PARI Journal Vol. XIII, No. 3
Winter 2013
A New Palenque Panel
By Yuriy Polyukhovych
The San Bartolo Regional Archaeological Project: Results of the Third Field Season 2004
By William A. Saturno and Mónica Urquizú

The PARI Journal Vol. XIII, No. 4
Spring 2013
The Further Adventures of Merle
By Merle Greene Robertson
A Late Preclassic Distance Number
By Mario Giron-Ábrego

The PARI Journal Vol. XIV, No. 1
Summer 2013
The YUK Logogram in Maya Hieroglyphic Writing
By Octavio Q. Esparza Olguín & Erik Velásquez García
Patterns in the Dresden Codex
By Cara Grace Tremain
The Further Adventures of Merle (continued)
By Merle Greene Robertson

The PARI Journal Vol. XIV, No. 2
Fall 2013
Mesoamerican Lexical Calques in Ancient Maya Writing and Imagery
By Christophe Helmke
The Further Adventures of Merle (continued)
By Merle Greene Robertson

The PARI Journal Vol. XIV, No. 3
Winter 2014
Flaying, Dismemberment, and Ritual Human Sacrifice on the Pacific Coast of Guatemala
By Oswaldo Chinchilla Mazariegos
Dating Stela 26 of Tikal
By Stanley Guenter
The Further Adventures of Merle (continued)
By Merle Greene Robertson

The PARI Journal Vol. XIV, No. 4
Spring 2014
Two Letters to Tatiana Proskouriakoff from J. Eric S. Thompson (1958-1959)
By Carl Callaway
Beans and Glyphs: A Possible IB Logogram in the Classic Maya Script
By Alexandre Tokovinine

The PARI Journal Vol. XV, No. 1
Summer 2014
A Possible Syllable for t'i in Maya Writing
By Albert Davletshin and Péter Bíró
Alternative Functions of Distance Numbers in Maya Calendrical Texts: Codices vs. Monuments
By Victoria Bricker and Anthony Aveni

The PARI Journal Vol. XV, No. 2
Fall 2014
On the Reading of Three Classic Maya Portrait Glyphs
By Marc Zender
"Out of Order!" Or Are They? A Textual and Visual Analysis of Two Dedicatory Texts on Classic Maya Ceramics
By Erik Boot
The Further Adventures of Merle (continued)
By Merle Greene Robertson

The PARI Journal Vol. XV, No. 3
Winter 2015
The Dedication of Tikal Temple VI: A Revised Chronology
By Simon Martin
A Skyband with Constellations: Revisiting the Monjas East Wing at Chichen Itza
By Bruce Love
In The Realm of the Witz': Animate Rivers and Rulership among the Classic Maya
By Jeremy Coltman
The Further Adventures of Merle (continued)
By Merle Greene Robertson

The PARI Journal Vol. XV, No. 4
Spring 2015
Once and Future Kings: Classic Maya Geopolitics and Mythic History on the Vase of the Initial Series from Uaxactun
By Nicholas P. Carter
The Further Adventures of Merle (continued)
By Merle Greene Robertson

The PARI Journal Vol. XVI, No. 1
Summer 2015
Sounds in Stone: Song, Music, and Dance on Monument 21 from Bilbao, Cotzumalguapa, Guatemala
By Oswaldo Chinchilla Mazariegos

The PARI Journal Vol. XVI, No. 2
Fall 2015
For Love of the Game: The Ballplayer Panels of Tipan Chen Uitz in Light of Late Classic Athletic Hegemony
By Christophe Helmke, Christopher R. Andres, Shawn G. Morton, and Gabriel D. Wrobel
The Maya Goddess of Painting, Writing, and Decorated Textiles
By Timothy W. Knowlton
The Further Adventures of Merle (continued)
By Merle Greene Robertson

The PARI Journal Vol. XVI, No. 3
Winter 2016
Death Gods in Cotzumalguapa Sculpture
By Oswaldo Chinchilla Mazariegos
A Classic Maya Plate in the Collection of the De Young Museum, San Francisco: An Analysis of Text, Image, and "Kill Hole"
By Erik Boot
The Further Adventures of Merle (continued)
By Merle Greene Robertson

The PARI Journal Vol. XVI, No. 4
Spring 2016
Death Becomes Her: An Analysis of Panel 3, Xunantunich, Belize
By Christophe Helmke and Jaime J. Awe
The Ocellated Turkey in Maya Thought
By Ana Luisa Izqueirdo y de la Cueva and María Elena Vega Villalobos
The Further Adventures of Merle (continued)
By Merle Greene Robertson

The PARI Journal Vol. XVII, No. 1
Summer 2016
Recovered History: Stela 11 of Coba
By María José Con Uribe and Octavio Quetzalcóatl Esparza Olquín
The Further Adventures of Merle (continued)
By Merle Greene Robertson

The PARI Journal Vol. XVII, No. 2
Fall 2016
Sharper than a Serpent's Tooth: A Tale of the Snakehead Dynasty as Recounted on Xunantunich Panel 4
By Christophe Helmke and Jaime J. Awe
Polities and Places: Tracing the Toponyms of the Snake Dynasty
By Simon Martin and Erik Velásquez García
The Syllabic Sign we and an Apologia for Delayed Decipherment
By Marc Zender, Dmitri Beliaev, and Albert Davletshin

The PARI Journal Vol. XVII, No. 3
Winter 2017
The Chan Tuun Itzam: Epigraphic and Iconographic Observations on a Classic Maya Collective Theonym
By Erik Boot
K'ahk' Ti' Ch'ich': A New Snake King from the Early Classic Period
By Simon Martin and Dmitri Beliaev

The PARI Journal Vol. XVII, No. 4
Spring 2017
At the Crossroads of Kingdoms: Recent Investigations on the Periphery of Piedras Negras and its Neighbors
By Whittaker Schroder, Charles W. Golden, Andrew K. Scherer,
Socorro del Pilar Jiménez Álvarez, Jeffrey Dobereiner, and Alan Mendez Cab
A Carved Speleothem Monument at Yaxchilan, Mexico
By Christophe Helmke

The PARI Journal Vol. XVIII, No. 1
Summer 2017
Ian Graham and the Maya
By David Stuart
A Bowl Fit for a King: A Ceramic Vessel of the Naranjo Court Bearing the Komkom Emblem Glyph
By Christophe Helmke, Yuriy Polyukhovych, Dorie J. Reents-Budet, and Ronald L. Bishop

The PARI Journal Vol. XVIII, No. 2
Fall 2017
Theory and Method in Maya Decipherment
By Marc Zender

The PARI Journal Vol. XVIII, No. 3
Winter 2018
Two Prehispanic Sculptures from Santa Catarina in Coyoacan
By Leonardo López Luján
A Figurative Hacha from Buenavista del Cayo, Belize
By Christophe Helmke, Jason Yaeger, and Mark Eli

The PARI Journal Vol. XVIII, No. 4
Spring 2018
Mural Paintings of the Tulum Castillo: Discovery, Conservation, and Study of New Pictorial Elements
By Mónica A. López Portillo Guzmán and Octavio Quetzalcóatl Esparza Olguín

The PARI Journal Vol. XIX, No. 1
Summer 2018
The Monolithic Monuments of Nakum, Guatemala
By Jarosław Źrałka, Christophe Helmke, Simon Martin, Wiesław Koszkul, and Juan Luis Velásquez

The PARI Journal Vol. XIX, No. 2
Fall 2018
A Preliminary Analysis of Altar 5 from La Corona
By David Stuart, Marcello Canuto, Tomás Barrientos, and Alejandro González
In Memoriam: Alfonso Lacadena García-Gallo
By Marc Zender

The PARI Journal Vol. XIX, No. 3
Winter 2019
Teotihuacan in Mexico-Tenochtitlan: Recent Discoveries, New Insights
By Leonardo López Luján and Michelle De Anda Rogel

The PARI Journal Vol. XIX, No. 4
Spring 2019
The Lord of Yellow Tree: A New Reference to a Minor Polity on Sacul Stela 9
By Nicholas Carter and Lauren Santini
Sighting a Royal Vehicle: Observations on the Graffiti of Tulix Mul, Belize
By Christophe Helmke, Gail Hammond, Thomas Guderjan, Pieta Greaves, and Colleen Hanratty

The PARI Journal Vol. XX, No. 1
Summer 2019
"Off With His Head!" A Heretofore Unknown Monument of Tonina, Chiapas
By Jesper Nielsen, Christophe Helmke, David Stuart, and Ángel A. Sánchez Gamboa
Arild Hvidtfeldt's Contribution to Mesoamerican Studies
By Jesper Nielsen

The PARI Journal Vol. XX, No. 2
Fall 2019
Yaxchilan from the Perspective of Guatemala: New Data
on Settlement, Fortifications, and Sculptural Monuments
By Andrew K. Scherer, Charles Golden, Omar Alcover Firpi,
Whittaker Schroder, Mónica Urquizú, and Edwin Román
Appreciating Mike: A Tribute to Michael D. Coe
By Stephen Houston
The Classic Mayan Causative
By Marc Zender

The PARI Journal Vol. XX, No. 3
Winter 2020
Correspondence between Frans Blom and Yuriy Knorozov Archived at the Na Bolom Museum in San Cristóbal de Las Casas, Chiapas, Mexico
By Alejandro Sheseña
The Memory of Stones: Ancient Maya Spolia in the Architecture of Early Colonial Yucatan
By Jesper Nielsen

The PARI Journal Vol. XX, No. 4
Spring 2020
A "Maizedancer" Vessel Dedicated to Yax We'n Chan K'inich, Lord of Xultun
By Sebastián Matteo and Guido Krempel
New Ideas about the Wahyis Spirits Painted on Maya Vessels: Sorcery, Maladies, and Dream Feasts in Prehispanic Art
By Erik Velásquez García

The PARI Journal Vol. XXI, No. 1
Pus, Pustules, and Ancient Maya Gods: Notes on the Names of God S and Hunahpu
By Oswaldo Chinchilla Mazariegos
A Short Note on Winte' Nah as House of Darts
By Péter Bíró

The PARI Journal Vol. XXI, No. 2
The Litany of Runaway Kings: Another Look at Stela 12 of Naranjo, Guatemala
By Christophe Helmke, Dmitri Beliaev, and Sergei Vepretskii

The PARI Journal Vol. XXI, No. 3
Making a Mountain: The Reconstruction of Text Fragments from Palenque's Palace Tablet
By David Stuart
A Linguistic Approach to the Classic Maya Term iximte'el kakaw
By William Humberto Mex-Albornoz

The PARI Journal Vol. XXI, No. 4
Naj Tunich Drawing 29 and the Origins of the Baax Tuun Dynasty
By Nicholas Carter and Barbara MacLeod

The PARI Journal Vol. XXII, No. 1
Shedding New Light on La Florida Stela 1: A Portrayal of Chakjal Chahk
By Mads S. Jørgensen, Joanne Baron, and Guido Krempel
A Unique Absolutive Antipassive in the Name of a K'uhul Chatahn Winik
By Luís Lopes and Barbara MacLeod

The PARI Journal Vol. XXII, No. 2
Upakal K'inich: A Late Classic Period Ruler of El Palmar, Mexico
By Kenichiro Tsukamoto, Octavio Esparza Olguín, Daniel Salazar Lama, and Luz Evelia Campaña Valenzuela
"Teotihuacan," "Spearthrower Owl," and Kaloomte': Clues to the Language of Teotihuacan Writing2 from Classic Maya Texts
By Thomas Vonk

The PARI Journal Vol. XXII, No. 3
The Road and the Cave: The Cuevas de la Amistad in the Landscape of Teotihuacan
By David Stuart and Thomas G. Garrison

The PARI Journal Vol. XXII, No. 4
Reading the Regnal Names of Rulers III and V of Caracol, Belize
By Christophe Helmke and Sergei Vepretskii

The PARI Journal Vol. XXIII, No. 1
New Evidence of K’inich Muhk, A Tonina Lord from the End of the Sixth Century
By Ángel A. Sánchez Gamboa, Guido Krempel, and Dmitri Beliaev

The PARI Journal Vol. XXIII, No. 2
Chalchiuhtlicue's Odyssey: Historiographical Account of the Translocation from Mexico
to the British Museum in London of Humboldt's "Aztec Priestess" Found by Dupaix
By Foni Le Brun-Ricalens, Leonardo López Luján, and Claude Wey

The PARI Journal Vol. XXIII, No. 3
The Sacred Obligations of War and Reciprocity: Readings for T78:514 and its Syllabic Substitutions
By Barbara MacLeod and Péter Bíró
[top of page]


The printed version of the PARI Journal is available at no charge to qualifying libraries. (inquiries)

[jump to current number]


The PARI Journal Vol. IV, No. 1
Summer 2003
Longer Live the King:
The Questionable Demise of K'inich K'an Joy Chitam of Palenque
By David Stuart
The Environment of Pakal's Tomb
By Leon Langan
Urbanism at Palenque
By Edwin L. Barnhart

The PARI Journal Vol. IV, No. 2
Fall 2003
Photographing the Cacaxtla Murals
By Merle Greene Robertson
Frans Blom and the Decipherment of Maya Writing
By Jesper Nielsen
Morley's Diary: April 10-14, 1932
By Sylvanus G. Morley

The PARI Journal Vol. IV, No. 3
Winter 2004
The Paw Stone: The Place Name of Piedras Negras, Guatemala
By David Stuart
Return to the Great Forests: Frans Blom's Letters from Palenque (Part 1)
Translated and With an Introduction by Jesper Nielsen & Tore Leifer
Morley's Diary: April 15-17, 1932
By Sylvanus G. Morley

The PARI Journal Vol. IV, No. 4
Spring 2004
Glyphs for "Handspan" and "Strike" in Classic Maya Ballgame Texts
By Marc Zender
Sport, Spectacle and Political Theater: New Views of the Classic Maya Ballgame
By Marc Zender
Return to the Great Forests: Frans Blom's Letters from Palenque (Part 2)
Translated and With an Introduction by Jesper Nielsen & Tore Leifer

The PARI Journal Vol. V, No. 1
Summer 2004
A Broken Sky: The Ancient Name of Yaxchilan as Pa' Chan
By Simon Martin
Return to the Great Forests: Frans Blom's Letters from Palenque (Part 3)
Translated and With an Introduction by Jesper Nielsen & Tore Leifer
Morley's Diary: April 18-20, 1932
By Sylvanus G. Morley

The PARI Journal Vol. V, No. 2
Fall 2004
New Year Records in Classic Maya Inscriptions
By David Stuart
Signs and Symbols of the Maya
By Brian Hayden
Return to the Great Forests: Frans Blom's Letters from Palenque (Part 4)
Translated and With an Introduction by Jesper Nielsen & Tore Leifer

The PARI Journal Vol. V, No. 3
Winter 2005
Rock Paintings and Lacandon Maya Sacred Landscapes
By Joel Palka
'Flaming Akbal' and the Glyphic Representation of the aj- Agentive Prefix
By Marc Zender
Morley's Diary: April 21, 1932
By Sylvanus G. Morley

The PARI Journal Vol. V, No. 4
Spring 2005
A Glimpse Into the Watery Underworld
By Jorge Pérez de Lara
The Raccoon Glyph In Classic Maya Writing
By Marc Zender

The PARI Journal Vol. VI, No. 1
Summer 2005
Caracol Altar 21 Revisited: More Data on Double Bird and Tikal's Wars of the Mid-Sixth Century
By Simon Martin
A Selection of Rubbings, Part One
By Merle Greene Robertson
Morley's Diary: April 22, 1932
By Sylvanus G. Morley

The PARI Journal Vol. VI, No. 2
Fall 2005
The Captives of Dzibanche
By Erik Velásquez García
Of Snakes and Bats: Shifting Identities at Calakmul
By Simon Martin
La Corona Find Sheds Light on Site Q Mystery
By Stanley Guenter

The PARI Journal Vol. VI, No. 3
Winter 2006
Teasing the Turtle From its Shell: AHK and MAHK in Maya Writing
By Marc Zender
Morley's Diary: April 23, 1932
By Sylvanus G. Morley

The PARI Journal Vol. VI, No. 4
Spring 2006
The Queen's Mirrors: Interpreting the Iconography of Two Teotihuacan Style
Mirrors from the Early Classic Margarita Tomb at Copan
By Jesper Nielsen
A Selection of Rubbings, Part Two
By Merle Greene Robertson

The PARI Journal Vol. VII, No. 1
Summer 2006
The Maya Flood Myth and the Decapitation of the Cosmic Caiman
By Erik Velásquez García
A Selection of Rubbings, Part Three
By Merle Greene Robertson
Morley's Diary: April 24, 1932
By Sylvanus G. Morley

The PARI Journal Vol. VII, No. 2
Fall 2006
Border Problems: Recent Archaeological Research along the Usumacinta River
By Charles Golden and Andrew Scherer

The PARI Journal Vol. VII, No. 3
Winter 2007
Rivers Among the Ruins: The Usumacinta
By Ronald L. Canter
Special supplement:
Río Usumacinta Navigation Survey

The PARI Journal Vol. VII, No. 4
Spring 2007
Stela 45 of Naranjo and the Early Classic Lords of Sa'aal
By Alexandre Tokovinine
Of Snake Kings and Cannibals: A Fresh Look at the Naranjo Hieroglyphic Stairway
By Alexandre Tokovinine
An Updated Listing of Early Naranjo Rulers
By Joel Skidmore

The PARI Journal Vol. VIII, No. 1
Summer 2007
Death and Veneration at El Perú-Waka': Structure M14-15 as Ancestor Shrine
By Keith Eppich

The PARI Journal Vol. VIII, No. 2
Fall 2007
The Lost Field Notebook Restored
By Merle Greene Robertson
A New Monument Mentioning Wamaaw K'awiil of Naranjo
By Raphael Tunesi
On the Emblem Glyph of El Peru
By Stanley Paul Guenter
Morley's Diary: April 25, 1932
By Sylvanus G. Morley

The PARI Journal Vol. VIII, No. 3
Winter 2008
The Palenque Sarcophagus Story
By Merle Greene Robertson
Rocks, Ropes, and Maya Boats; Stone Bollards at Ancient Waterfronts
Along the Usumacinta: Yaxchilan, Mexico to El Porvenir, Guatemala
By Ronald L. Canter and Dave Pentecost
Morley's Diary: April 25, 1932
By Sylvanus G. Morley

The PARI Journal Vol. VIII, No. 4
Spring 2008
Special Nahuatl Writing Issue
Regional Scribal Traditions: Methodological Implications for the Decipherment of Nahuatl Writing
By Alfonso Lacadena
A Nahuatl Syllabary
By Alfonso Lacadena
One Hundred and Fifty Years of Nahuatl Decipherment
By Marc Zender
The wa1 and wa2 Phonetic Signs and the Logogram for WA in Nahuatl Writing
By Alfonso Lacadena
On the Complementary Signs of the Mexican Graphic System
By Zelia Nuttall

The PARI Journal Vol. IX, No. 1
Summer 2008
Special Chalcatzingo Issue
Chalcatzingo: A Brief Introduction
By David C. Grove
Chalcatzingo Monument 34: A Formative Period "Southern Style" Stela in the Central Mexican Highlands
By Susan D. Gillespie

The PARI Journal Vol. IX, No. 2
Fall 2008
Incriptions and Iconography of Castillo Viejo, Chichen Itza
By Peter Schmidt, David Stuart, and Bruce Love
Some Thoughts About a New Vase and an Old God
By Raphael Tunesi
A Future Cache in Guatemala
By Elayne Marquis

The PARI Journal Vol. IX, No. 3
Winter 2009
Archaeological and Epigraphic Studies in Pol Box, Quintana Roo
By Octavio Q. Esparza Olguín and Vania E. Pérez Gutiérrez

The PARI Journal Vol. IX, No. 4
Spring 2009
Composite Mirrors of the Ancient Maya: Ostentatious Production and Precolumbian Fraud
By Zachary Nelson, Barry Scheetz, Guillermo Mata Amado, and Antonio Prado
Lord Kingsborough and his Contribution to Ancient Mesoamerican Scholarship: The Antiquities of Mexico
By Sylvia D. Whitmore

The PARI Journal Vol. X, No. 1
Summer 2009
Reflections on the Codex Style and the Princeton Vessel
By Erik Velásquez García

The PARI Journal Vol. X, No. 2
Fall 2009
Feast and Sacrifice at El Perú-Waka': The N14-2 Deposit as Dedication
By Keith Eppich
Morley's Diary: April 26, 1932

The PARI Journal Vol. X, No. 3
Winter 2010
Religious Imagery in Mayapan's Murals
By Susan Milbrath, Carlos Peraza Lope, and Miguel Delgado Kú
Glyph F of the Supplementary Series: Ti' Hu'n, Mouth of the Book
By Scott A. J. Johnson
Morley's Diary: April 26-27, 1932

The PARI Journal Vol. X, No. 4
Spring 2010
The Classic Court of Itzam K'an Ahk of Piedras Negras:
New Information on a Vessel from the Yaxche Phase with Hieroglyphic Dedicatory Formula
By Carlos Pállan Gayol
Palenque in 1979: Photos by Dale Hinkley (Part One)

The PARI Journal Vol. XI, No. 1
Summer 2010
A Hieroglyphic Block from the Region of Hiix Witz, Guatemala
By Simon Martin and Dorie Reents-Budet
Palenque from 1560 to 2010
By Merle Greene Robertson

The PARI Journal Vol. XI, No. 2
Fall 2010
Baj "Hammer" and Related Affective Verbs in Classic Mayan
By Marc Zender
The Western Sun: An Unusual Tzolk'in-Haab Correlation in Classic Maya Inscriptions
By Alexandre Tokovinine
A New Look at the Inscription of Copan Altar K
By Péter Bíró

The PARI Journal Vol. XI, No. 3
Winter 2011
The Stelae of Chichen Itza
By Bruce Love
Palenque in 1979: Photos by Dale Hinkley (Part Two)
Morley's Diary: April 27, 1932

The PARI Journal Vol. XI, No. 4
Spring 2011
In Memoriam: Merle Greene Robertson
By Marc Zender and Joel Skidmore
Recent Investigations in the Salto de Agua Region: Sites, Territories, and Frontiers to the West of Palenque
By Joshua A. Balcells González, Jorge E. Gama Castro, and Esteban Mirón Marván
The San Bartolo Regional Archaeological Project: Results of the First Field Season 2002
By William A. Saturno
Morley's Diary: April 27, 1932

The PARI Journal Vol. XII, No. 1
Summer 2011
The Celestial God of Number 13
By Merle Greene Robertson
A Celebration of Merle Greene Robertson
By E. Wyllys Andrews
A Notational Explanation for Maya Calendar Round Dates Such as 11 Eb 16 Mac
By Victoria R. Bricker
Morley's Diary: April 28, 1932

The PARI Journal Vol. XII, No. 2
Fall 2011
A New La Corona Panel
By Erik Boot
The Murals of San Bartolo:
A Window into the Art and Cosmovision of Precolumbian Man
By Mónica Urquizú and Heather Hurst
Morley's Diary: April 28 - April 30, 1932

The PARI Journal Vol. XII, No. 3
Winter 2012
Excavations of Nakum Structure 15: Discovery of Royal Burials and Accompanying Offerings
By Jarosław Źrałka, Wiesław Koszkul, Bernard Hermes, and Simon Martin

The PARI Journal Vol. XII, No. 4
Spring 2012
Allspice as Template for the Classic Maya K'an Sign
By Estella Weiss-Krejci
The San Bartolo Regional Archaeological Project: Results of the Second Field Season 2003
By Mónica Urquizú and William A. Saturno

The PARI Journal Vol. XIII, No. 1
Summer 2012
The Great Ladder of Ocosingo: A Twentieth-Century Example of Maya Building Techniques
By Jesper Nielsen
Toward the Making of a New Map of the Ixcanrio Basin
By Thomas G. Garrison, William A. Saturno, Thomas L. Sever, and Daniel E. Irwin
Morley's Diary: April 30 - May 1, 1932

The PARI Journal Vol. XIII, No. 2
Fall 2012
A Possible Spelling of the "Birth Glyph"
By Yuriy Polyukhovych
Exploring the 584286 Correlation between the Maya and European Calendars
By Simon Martin and Joel Skidmore

The PARI Journal Vol. XIII, No. 3
Winter 2013
A New Palenque Panel
By Yuriy Polyukhovych
The San Bartolo Regional Archaeological Project: Results of the Third Field Season 2004
By William A. Saturno and Mónica Urquizú

The PARI Journal Vol. XIII, No. 4
Spring 2013
The Further Adventures of Merle
By Merle Greene Robertson
A Late Preclassic Distance Number
By Mario Giron-Ábrego

The PARI Journal Vol. XIV, No. 1
Summer 2013
The YUK Logogram in Maya Hieroglyphic Writing
By Octavio Q. Esparza Olguín & Erik Velásquez García
Patterns in the Dresden Codex
By Cara Grace Tremain
The Further Adventures of Merle (continued)
By Merle Greene Robertson

The PARI Journal Vol. XIV, No. 2
Fall 2013
Mesoamerican Lexical Calques in Ancient Maya Writing and Imagery
By Christophe Helmke
The Further Adventures of Merle (continued)
By Merle Greene Robertson

The PARI Journal Vol. XIV, No. 3
Winter 2014
Flaying, Dismemberment, and Ritual Human Sacrifice on the Pacific Coast of Guatemala
By Oswaldo Chinchilla Mazariegos
Dating Stela 26 of Tikal
By Stanley Guenter
The Further Adventures of Merle (continued)
By Merle Greene Robertson

The PARI Journal Vol. XIV, No. 4
Spring 2014
Two Letters to Tatiana Proskouriakoff from J. Eric S. Thompson (1958-1959)
By Carl Callaway
Beans and Glyphs: A Possible IB Logogram in the Classic Maya Script
By Alexandre Tokovinine

The PARI Journal Vol. XV, No. 1
Summer 2014
A Possible Syllable for t'i in Maya Writing
By Albert Davletshin and Péter Bíró
Alternative Functions of Distance Numbers in Maya Calendrical Texts: Codices vs. Monuments
By Victoria Bricker and Anthony Aveni

The PARI Journal Vol. XV, No. 2
Fall 2014
On the Reading of Three Classic Maya Portrait Glyphs
By Marc Zender
"Out of Order!" Or Are They? A Textual and Visual Analysis of Two Dedicatory Texts on Classic Maya Ceramics
By Erik Boot
The Further Adventures of Merle (continued)
By Merle Greene Robertson

The PARI Journal Vol. XV, No. 3
Winter 2015
The Dedication of Tikal Temple VI: A Revised Chronology
By Simon Martin
A Skyband with Constellations: Revisiting the Monjas East Wing at Chichen Itza
By Bruce Love
In The Realm of the Witz': Animate Rivers and Rulership among the Classic Maya
By Jeremy Coltman
The Further Adventures of Merle (continued)
By Merle Greene Robertson

The PARI Journal Vol. XV, No. 4
Spring 2015
Once and Future Kings: Classic Maya Geopolitics and Mythic History on the Vase of the Initial Series from Uaxactun
By Nicholas P. Carter
The Further Adventures of Merle (continued)
By Merle Greene Robertson

The PARI Journal Vol. XVI, No. 1
Summer 2015
Sounds in Stone: Song, Music, and Dance on Monument 21 from Bilbao, Cotzumalguapa, Guatemala
By Oswaldo Chinchilla Mazariegos

The PARI Journal Vol. XVI, No. 2
Fall 2015
For Love of the Game: The Ballplayer Panels of Tipan Chen Uitz in Light of Late Classic Athletic Hegemony
By Christophe Helmke, Christopher R. Andres, Shawn G. Morton, and Gabriel D. Wrobel
The Maya Goddess of Painting, Writing, and Decorated Textiles
By Timothy W. Knowlton
The Further Adventures of Merle (continued)
By Merle Greene Robertson

The PARI Journal Vol. XVI, No. 3
Winter 2016
Death Gods in Cotzumalguapa Sculpture
By Oswaldo Chinchilla Mazariegos
A Classic Maya Plate in the Collection of the De Young Museum, San Francisco: An Analysis of Text, Image, and "Kill Hole"
By Erik Boot
The Further Adventures of Merle (continued)
By Merle Greene Robertson

The PARI Journal Vol. XVI, No. 4
Spring 2016
Death Becomes Her: An Analysis of Panel 3, Xunantunich, Belize
By Christophe Helmke and Jaime J. Awe
The Ocellated Turkey in Maya Thought
By Ana Luisa Izqueirdo y de la Cueva and María Elena Vega Villalobos
The Further Adventures of Merle (continued)
By Merle Greene Robertson

The PARI Journal Vol. XVII, No. 1
Summer 2016
Recovered History: Stela 11 of Coba
By María José Con Uribe and Octavio Quetzalcóatl Esparza Olquín
The Further Adventures of Merle (continued)
By Merle Greene Robertson

The PARI Journal Vol. XVII, No. 2
Fall 2016
Sharper than a Serpent's Tooth: A Tale of the Snakehead Dynasty as Recounted on Xunantunich Panel 4
By Christophe Helmke and Jaime J. Awe
Polities and Places: Tracing the Toponyms of the Snake Dynasty
By Simon Martin and Erik Velásquez García
The Syllabic Sign we and an Apologia for Delayed Decipherment
By Marc Zender, Dmitri Beliaev, and Albert Davletshin

The PARI Journal Vol. XVII, No. 3
Winter 2017
The Chan Tuun Itzam: Epigraphic and Iconographic Observations on a Classic Maya Collective Theonym
By Erik Boot
K'ahk' Ti' Ch'ich': A New Snake King from the Early Classic Period
By Simon Martin and Dmitri Beliaev

The PARI Journal Vol. XVII, No. 4
Spring 2017
At the Crossroads of Kingdoms: Recent Investigations on the Periphery of Piedras Negras and its Neighbors
By Whittaker Schroder, Charles W. Golden, Andrew K. Scherer,
Socorro del Pilar Jiménez Álvarez, Jeffrey Dobereiner, and Alan Mendez Cab
A Carved Speleothem Monument at Yaxchilan, Mexico
By Christophe Helmke

The PARI Journal Vol. XVIII, No. 1
Summer 2017
Ian Graham and the Maya
By David Stuart
A Bowl Fit for a King: A Ceramic Vessel of the Naranjo Court Bearing the Komkom Emblem Glyph
By Christophe Helmke, Yuriy Polyukhovych, Dorie J. Reents-Budet, and Ronald L. Bishop

The PARI Journal Vol. XVIII, No. 2
Fall 2017
Theory and Method in Maya Decipherment
By Marc Zender

The PARI Journal Vol. XVIII, No. 3
Winter 2018
Two Prehispanic Sculptures from Santa Catarina in Coyoacan
By Leonardo López Luján
A Figurative Hacha from Buenavista del Cayo, Belize
By Christophe Helmke, Jason Yaeger, and Mark Eli

The PARI Journal Vol. XVIII, No. 4
Spring 2018
Mural Paintings of the Tulum Castillo: Discovery, Conservation, and Study of New Pictorial Elements
By Mónica A. López Portillo Guzmán and Octavio Quetzalcóatl Esparza Olguín

The PARI Journal Vol. XIX, No. 1
Summer 2018
The Monolithic Monuments of Nakum, Guatemala
By Jarosław Źrałka, Christophe Helmke, Simon Martin, Wiesław Koszkul, and Juan Luis Velásquez

The PARI Journal Vol. XIX, No. 2
Fall 2018
A Preliminary Analysis of Altar 5 from La Corona
By David Stuart, Marcello Canuto, Tomás Barrientos, and Alejandro González
In Memoriam: Alfonso Lacadena García-Gallo
By Marc Zender

The PARI Journal Vol. XIX, No. 3
Winter 2019
Teotihuacan in Mexico-Tenochtitlan: Recent Discoveries, New Insights
By Leonardo López Luján and Michelle De Anda Rogel

The PARI Journal Vol. XIX, No. 4
Spring 2019
The Lord of Yellow Tree: A New Reference to a Minor Polity on Sacul Stela 9
By Nicholas Carter and Lauren Santini
Sighting a Royal Vehicle: Observations on the Graffiti of Tulix Mul, Belize
By Christophe Helmke, Gail Hammond, Thomas Guderjan, Pieta Greaves, and Colleen Hanratty

The PARI Journal Vol. XX, No. 1
Summer 2019
"Off With His Head!" A Heretofore Unknown Monument of Tonina, Chiapas
By Jesper Nielsen, Christophe Helmke, David Stuart, and Ángel A. Sánchez Gamboa
Arild Hvidtfeldt's Contribution to Mesoamerican Studies
By Jesper Nielsen

The PARI Journal Vol. XX, No. 2
Fall 2019
Yaxchilan from the Perspective of Guatemala: New Data
on Settlement, Fortifications, and Sculptural Monuments
By Andrew K. Scherer, Charles Golden, Omar Alcover Firpi,
Whittaker Schroder, Mónica Urquizú, and Edwin Román
Appreciating Mike: A Tribute to Michael D. Coe
By Stephen Houston
The Classic Mayan Causative
By Marc Zender

The PARI Journal Vol. XX, No. 3
Winter 2020
Correspondence between Frans Blom and Yuriy Knorozov Archived at the Na Bolom Museum in San Cristóbal de Las Casas, Chiapas, Mexico
By Alejandro Sheseña
The Memory of Stones: Ancient Maya Spolia in the Architecture of Early Colonial Yucatan
By Jesper Nielsen

The PARI Journal Vol. XX, No. 4
Spring 2020
A "Maizedancer" Vessel Dedicated to Yax We'n Chan K'inich, Lord of Xultun
By Sebastián Matteo and Guido Krempel
New Ideas about the Wahyis Spirits Painted on Maya Vessels: Sorcery, Maladies, and Dream Feasts in Prehispanic Art
By Erik Velásquez García

The PARI Journal Vol. XXI, No. 1
Pus, Pustules, and Ancient Maya Gods: Notes on the Names of God S and Hunahpu
By Oswaldo Chinchilla Mazariegos
A Short Note on Winte' Nah as House of Darts
By Péter Bíró

The PARI Journal Vol. XXI, No. 2
The Litany of Runaway Kings: Another Look at Stela 12 of Naranjo, Guatemala
By Christophe Helmke, Dmitri Beliaev, and Sergei Vepretskii

The PARI Journal Vol. XXI, No. 3
Making a Mountain: The Reconstruction of Text Fragments from Palenque's Palace Tablet
By David Stuart
A Linguistic Approach to the Classic Maya Term iximte'el kakaw
By William Humberto Mex-Albornoz

The PARI Journal Vol. XXI, No. 4
Naj Tunich Drawing 29 and the Origins of the Baax Tuun Dynasty
By Nicholas Carter and Barbara MacLeod

The PARI Journal Vol. XXII, No. 1
Shedding New Light on La Florida Stela 1: A Portrayal of Chakjal Chahk
By Mads S. Jørgensen, Joanne Baron, and Guido Krempel
A Unique Absolutive Antipassive in the Name of a K'uhul Chatahn Winik
By Luís Lopes and Barbara MacLeod

The PARI Journal Vol. XXII, No. 2
Upakal K'inich: A Late Classic Period Ruler of El Palmar, Mexico
By Kenichiro Tsukamoto, Octavio Esparza Olguín, Daniel Salazar Lama, and Luz Evelia Campaña Valenzuela
"Teotihuacan," "Spearthrower Owl," and Kaloomte': Clues to the Language of Teotihuacan Writing2 from Classic Maya Texts
By Thomas Vonk
The PARI Journal Vol. XXII, No. 3
The Road and the Cave: The Cuevas de la Amistad in the Landscape of Teotihuacan
By David Stuart and Thomas G. Garrison

The PARI Journal Vol. XXII, No. 4
Reading the Regnal Names of Rulers III and V of Caracol, Belize
By Christophe Helmke and Sergei Vepretskii

The PARI Journal Vol. XXIII, No. 1
New Evidence of K’inich Muhk, A Tonina Lord from the End of the Sixth Century
By Ángel A. Sánchez Gamboa, Guido Krempel, and Dmitri Beliaev

The PARI Journal Vol. XXIII, No. 2
Chalchiuhtlicue's Odyssey: Historiographical Account of the Translocation from Mexico
to the British Museum in London of Humboldt's "Aztec Priestess" Found by Dupaix
By Foni Le Brun-Ricalens, Leonardo López Luján, and Claude Wey

The PARI Journal Vol. XXIII, No. 3
The Sacred Obligations of War and Reciprocity: Readings for T78:514 and its Syllabic Substitutions
By Barbara MacLeod and Péter Bíró

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